
The flow rate and fluence rate dependences of the triplet-state lifetime (τT) and singlet oxygen (1O2) luminescence intensity of a Talaporfin sodium (mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6, Laserphyrin®) photochemical reaction in a flowing solution were studied. The oxygen consumption rate constant (k) did not proportionally increase as the fluence rate increased. The relationship between the static oxygen concentration in the flowing solution and τT was estimated. τT at the fluence rate of 0.8×104 W/m2 was 16% longer than that at 0.2×104 W/m2 at the same oxygen concentration. The τT increase at the high-fluence rate is attributed to local and temporal oxygen depletion. The local and temporal oxygen depletion might cause the fluence-rate dependence nonproportionality of the measured k.

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