
The flow-excited acoustic resonance of isolated cylinders in cross-flow is investigated experimentally where the effect of the cylinder(s) proximity to the acoustic particle velocity nodes of the cross-modes is presented in this paper. For the case of a single cylinder, the cylinder's location does not significantly affect the vortex shedding process; however, it affects the excitation level of each acoustic cross-mode. When the cylinder is moved away from the acoustic particle velocity antinode of a specific acoustic cross-mode, a combination of the cross-modes is excited with intensities that seem to be proportional to the ratio of the acoustic particle velocities of these modes at the cylinder's location. For the cases of two and three hydrodynamically uncoupled cylinders positioned simultaneously side-by-side in the duct, it is observed that the first three acoustic cross-modes are excited. When one cylinder is positioned at the acoustic particle velocity antinode of a specific cross-mode and another cylinder is positioned at its acoustic particle velocity node, i.e., a cylinder that should excite the resonance and another one that should not excite it, respectively; the excitation always takes over and the resonance occurs at a further elevated levels. It is also observed that the acoustic pressure levels in the cases of multiple cylinders are not resulting from a linear superposition of the excited level obtained from each individual cylinder which indicates that the removal of cylinders at certain locations may not be a viable technique to eliminate the acoustic resonance in the case of tube bundles.

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