
To describe the flow characteristics of vessels open in zone 1, we perfused isolated rabbit lungs with Tyrode's solution containing 1% albumin, 4% dextran, and papaverine (0.05 mg/ml). Lungs were expanded by negative pleural pressure (Ppl) of -10, -15, -20, and -25 cmH2O. Pulmonary arterial (Ppa) and venous (Ppv) pressures were varied relative to alveolar pressure (PA = 0) and measured 5-10 mm inside the pleura (i) and outside (o) of the lungs. With Ppa(o) at -2.5 cmH2O, we constructed pressure-flow (P-Q) curves at each Ppl by lowering Ppv(o) until Q reached a maximum, indicating fully developed zone 1 choke flow. Maximum flows were negligible until Ppl fell below -10 cmH2O, then increased rapidly at Ppl of -15 and -20 cmH2O, and at Ppl of -25 cmH2O reached about 15 ml.min-1.kg body wt-1. The Ppv(o) at which flow became nearly constant depended on degree of lung inflation and was 5-8 cmH2O more positive than Ppl. As Ppv(o) was lowered below Ppa(o), Ppv(i) remained equal to Ppv(o) until Ppv(i) became fixed at a pressure 2-3 cmH2O more positive than Ppl. At this point the choke flow was therefore located in veins near the pleural boundary. No evidence of choke flow (only ohmic resistance) was seen in the intrapulmonary segment of the vessels remaining open in zone 1. With Ppv(o) held roughly at Ppl, Q could be stopped by lowering Ppa(o), at which time Ppa(i) was several cmH2O above Ppv(i), showing that intrapulmonary vessel closure had occurred.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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