
The shrub-arboreal component of the tributary edges of the Poxim River, in the basin of the River Sergipe, in the city of is São Cristóvão, SE was studied. A florístic survey of a forest remainder of Atlantic bush with a water level sufficiently saturated was carried through. 42 sample units using the Quardant Point Method, having as inclusion criterion a diameter units were at brest height equal or superior to 30 cm. For each sampled species the relative parameters to the frequency, density, dominance, and the index of the importance value (VI) were estimated. The survey resulted in 168 individuals 10  most important families and 17 genra the Anacardiacea family (05), Papilionacea (03) and Annonaceae (2), followed the Cecropiaceae, Combretaceae, Malpigiaceae, Mimosaceae, Moraceae, Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae (01). Among the occurrent species in the area of this study, with wigher index of value of importance, it was verified: Clitoria fairchildiana Howard, Anona sp, Syzygium jambolanum Lam., Tapirira guianensis Aubl. and Cecropia pachystachya Trec. In the interaction with the environment, in the less water saturated places there were greater diametric growth of the community species and that the most part of species of low phytosociologic values were in the low elevation whit the better aeration parts.

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