
We present a floristic-vegetational study on a plant community dominated by Geranium argenteum in the Sibillini Mountains (Central Apennines), at the southern limit of its distribution in the Apennines. It is a rare pioneer community located at an elevation of about 2100 m a.s.l. with northern exposure on the fractured rocky ridges and at the edges of the rocky detrital valleys on lithosol, with a prolonged presence of snowpack and gelifraction processes. The results of the phytosociological analysis allow us to propose the new Festuco italicae-Geranietum argentei association referred to as the Leontopodio nivalis-Elynion myosuroidis alliance (Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii class). The comparison with the Alpine and the Northern Apennines phytocoenoses characterized by Geranium argenteum allows us to provide a new interpretation of the syntaxonomical framework concerning the Geranium argenteum communities within its Alpine-Apennine range in light of the new data presented in this paper. The new Festuco italicae-Geranietum argentei association represents a further contribution to the knowledge of the relict alpine vegetation of the Leontopodio nivalis-Elynion myosuroidis alliance in the Sibillini Mountains and thus in the Central Apennines. Finally, habitat monitoring will be essential for assessing the impacts of climate change on this fragile and narrowly restricted plant community.

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