
Based on the authors’ fieldwork in 1976-2022 and herbarium funds from the river Chulyshman, stored in the Central Chernozem Reserve, the second part of the information (Magnoliophyta: Liliopsida, including the Poaceae Barnhart family) is given on new and rare species of vascular plants for this territory. New localities of 9 plant species from the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Data Book of the Altai Republic (Allium altaicum, Cypripedium calceolus, C. macranthon, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Orchis militaris, Platanthera bifolia, Tulotis fuscescens, Stipa pennata, S. rubens) are presented; of these, 8 species were recorded within the forest-steppe territory of the Altai Reserve (all species except Stipa rubens) and 3 species in the Ak Cholushpa Natura Park (Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Orchis militaris, Platanthera bifolia). For the modern territory of the Altai Reserve, 5 additional species are indicated (Dactylorhiza incarnata, Achnatherum splendens, Leymus ovatus, L. paboanus, L. tuvinicus), for the forest-steppe valley of Chulyshman -7 species (Lemna trisulca, Achnatherum confusum, Catabrosa aquatica, Leymus chinensis, L. pubescens, Poa trivialis, Stipa kirghisorum). 2 species (Asparagus tamariscinus, Stipa kirghisorum) are recommended for inclusion to the Red Data Book of the Altai Republic.

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