
During field research, viewing materials stored in the herbaria of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (NS), Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev (KRAS), the “Sayano-Shushensky” State Natural Biosphere Reserve (SSHZ) and the “Azas” State Nature Reserve, clarified information on the distribution of rare plant species in the Upper Yenisei basin. For the first time in the flora of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 4 species were found: Allium eduardi, Ephedra gerardiana, Lappula tuvinica, Taraxacum sajanense; there are 5 species in Tuva: Kochia scoparia, Microstigma sajanense, Polygonum salsugineum, P. turkestanicum, Potentilla canescens. For the first time, 3 species were registered in the Western Sayan mountain system: Astragalus brevifolius, Kochia scoparia and Taraxacum sajanense. For 13 rare species, new locations were noted and the boundaries of the ranges were specified: Astragalus macroceras, Dontostemon pinnatifidus, Elymus pendulinus, Fritillaria dagana, Lappula heteracantha, L. semiglabra var. dsharkentica, L. tuvinica, Orchis militaris and others. The new ones for the “Sayano-Shushensky” State Natural Biosphere Reserve were 4 species: Allium eduardi, Elymus pendulinus, Ephedra gerardiana, Lappula tuvinica. Orchis militaris was first found for the “Azas” State Nature Reserve.


  • During field research, viewing materials stored in the herbaria of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (NS), Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V

  • 3 species were registered in the Western Sayan mountain system: Astragalus brevifolius, Kochia scoparia and Taraxacum sajanense

  • Orchis militaris was first found for the “Azas” State Nature Reserve

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Впервые во флоре Красноярского края обнаружено 4 вида: Allium eduardi, Ephedra gerardiana, Lappula tuvinica, Taraxacum sajanense; в Туве 5 видов: Kochia scoparia, Microstigma sajanense, Polygonum salsugineum, P. turkestanicum, Potentilla canescens. Новыми для флоры заповедника «Саяно-Шушенский» оказались 4 вида: Allium eduardi, Elymus pendulinus, Ephedra gerardiana, Lappula tuvinica, во флоре заповедника «Азас» впервые найден Orchis militaris. 7 Tuva Institute for exploration of natural resources SB RAS, Internacionalnaja str., 117А, Kyzyl, 667007, Russian Federation 8 Khakassia State University N. For the first time in the flora of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 4 species were found: Allium eduardi, Ephedra gerardiana, Lappula tuvinica, Taraxacum sajanense; there are 5 species in Tuva: Kochia scoparia, Microstigma sajanense, Polygonum salsugineum, P. turkestanicum, Potentilla canescens. Шушенское) и государственного природного заповедника «Азас», авторами сообщения уточнены сведения о распространении редких видов растений на территории южной части Красноярского края, Тувы, горной системы Западного Саяна.

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