
Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri T et B.) is a unique tree species in Kalimantan because its most durable wood and only grows in mixed lowland dipterocarp forest habitat. The purpose of this study is to examine the floristic composition, variety, and structure of the mixed ulin forest in Penarung village, subdistrict of Bentian Besar, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan. Each sample plot was rectangular and was 125 m by 20 m in size. For the tree stage, each sample plot was divided into subplots that measured 25 m by 20 m. Each subplot measured 2 m by 2 m for seedlings, thickets, and herbs and 5 m by 5 m for saplings The Result showed the species richness was 196 species, which consisted of 147 tree species, 16 species of lianas, 13 species of herbs, 12 species of shrubs, 5 species of ferns, 2 species of rattan and 1 species of palm. The tree stage consisted of 97 species, 70 genera, and 36 families. Species diversity (H’), showed that tree and sapling stages were high 3.82 for tree and 3.92 for sapling stages, while seedlings in moderate, with H’= 2.49. Evenness (E) in the tree stage was 0.83, while sapling and seedling were 0.87 and 0.55 respectively. This forest contained 28 species of endemic, 2 species of critically endangered (CR), 2 species endangered (EN), and 10 species of vulnerable (Vu).

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