
Kemenyan (Styrax sumatrana) is an local species Tapanuli plant that produces sap with quite high economic value. One of the distribution areas of Styrax sumatrana is Aek Nauli Village, Pullong District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency. Ecologically, research on Styrax sumatrana in Aek Nauli Village has not been carried out much. This study aims to determine the composition of the vegetation and the association of Styrax sumatrana with other plants in the Community Forest of Aek Nauli Village. The method of data collection is done by using the Nested plot method. The results showed that there were 47 types of vegetation included in the seedling, sapling, pole and tree levels. At the Styrax sumatrana seedling level, 29 individu were found, 25 individu at the sapling level, 23 individu at the pole level, and 117 individu at the tree level.

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