
Florida has a major problem when it comes to sinkholes. The se sinkholes can become very hazardous to people, homes, and to the landscape as a whole. Florida sits on a carbonate platform which is highly indicative of sinkholes. The re are three main types of sinkholes which occur in Florida: dissolution, cover subsidence, and cover collapse. I will compare these types of sinkholes to the underlying formation beneath Florida to see if there is a connection between the types of sinkholes that occur. I will also create a 3D model of grout injection stabilization and calculate its volume to compare to the actual volume placed under the house. Thi s information will help inform and bring att ention to the problem in Florida and in turn, may help alleviate the problem if we can understand what causes these sinkholes. The 3D mode l may help engineering companies become more effic ient in predicting the projected amount of volume to stabilize a house that may be in danger.

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