
Kashmir agro-climatic conditions are known to be the god’s choice for growing flowers. The conditions are so blended and suited to the crops especially bulbous geophytes that most of the farmers have recorded or obtained unprecedented quality and quantity. We documented one such study from flower grower (Mr. Arshid Ahmad Mir) residing in the remote village of Shar-Shalli, district Pulwama of Kashmir valley. This farmer was known to us as a keen, interesting, and hardworking. The important attributes associated with him is that he was always attending the training programmes from our university, state floriculture department etc. His curiosity for expanding the business with proper guidance, scientific approaches of farming and tackling the on and off farm challenges with the technical know-how from the concerned persons of farm university has beard him the fruits of success. He has successfully triumphed the all odds of lilium cultivation, thus has become the epitome of flower grower for other flower growers of valley. Keywords: Cut flower; bulb production; empowerment; livelihood;.

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