
THE appearance of Dr. Cordemoy's long-promised book on the flora of Bourbon will be welcomed with great satisfaction, as this was the only island of the Mascarene group proper of which the plants had not been worked out in detail. Dr. Cordemoy's work is not compiled on the same lines as the British Colonial Floras, and in some respects compares unfavourably with them; notably in the want of uniformity in treatment, and the absence of particulars of the general distribution of the plants. But the author has laboured under the great disadvantage of being remote from a botanical centre of literature and collections, and has done exceedingly well considering these drawbacks, except that, with his thirty-five years of experience, he might have given a much more interesting account of the vegetation, and a better summary of the facts brought to light by his investigations. Flore de l'Ile de la Réunion ‘Bourbon] avec l'Indication des Propriétés Économiques et Industrielles des Plantes. Par E. Jacob de Cordemoy. (Paris: 1895.)

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