
Cytiseae have been reported to be mostly nectar-lacking, yet some taxa secrete nectar from extrastaminal nectaries. We studied the pollination biology of four shrubby species of Cytiseae (Cytisophyllum sessilifolium (L.) Lang, Spartium junceum L., Genista radiata (L.) Scop., Genista cilentina Valsecchi) which differ for ecology, distribution and population size. All species resulted obliged xenogamous, insect visits being necessary for successful pollination. Bumblebees and solitary bees are the principal pollinators, but also many beetles, some hover-flies, and few bugs visit flowers. Pollinator specificity is low, and this may be the reason of the scarce seed set compared to the number of ovules. Pollen is the main reward, but traces of glucose were detected in all species, at the base of vexillum or on the reproductive column. Nectar production is irregular in time, and apparently unpredictable. We suppose that nectar may play a role in attracting pollinators determining their right position for a successful pollination.

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