
We studied floral biology and the role of flower visitors in fruit set of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). Muskmelon produced Staminate (hereafter ‘S’) and Hermaphrodite (hereafter ‘H’) flowers with a ratio of 18:1. Flowers opened around 40 days after planting and flowering continued for another 40 days. Longevity of both types of flowers was one day. Anthesis in S flowers was earlier (0545–0700 h) than that of H flowers (0700–0830 h). Anther dehiscence occurred 10–15 min after anthesis in both the flowers. The number of pollen grains in H flowers was significantly lower (2715 ± 143) than S flowers (4968 ± 398). Pollen viability and stigma receptivity was maximum between 1600 and 1800 h. The pollen tube of pollen grains from H flowers grew very slowly and never reached the ovary. There were two peaks in nectar production in a day (1000–1200 h and 1400–1800 h). Sixteen species of insects belonging to Hymenoptera (81.25%), Diptera (12.50%) and Lepidoptera (6.5%) visited muskmelon flowers. Major visitors were honeybees, Apis cerana F. and A. florea F. and both were efficient pollinators. Diversity and abundance of flower visitors positively correlated with floral abundance. In pollination exclusion experiments, no fruit set was observed in bagged, self-pollinated and the flowers artificially crossed only with other H pollen. But, those flowers hand pollinated with pollen from S flowers and ones that were allowed for open pollination set maximum fruits. The crop needs a minimum of 8–10 bee visits per flower to achieve the same level of pollination efficiency provided with natural/unrestrained visits.

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