
A floristic inventory of the tropical semideciduous forest (TSDF) in the municipality of Jalcomulco, central Veracruz, Mexico, was carried out in 67 plots of 100 m2 each one on 5 study sites. We recorded a total of 230 species of vascular plants, representing 174 genera and 68 families. Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rubiaceae and Acanthaceae were the most diverse families. About 42% of all reported species were trees, followed by herbs (23%), shrubs (19%) and climbers (19%). The similarity analysis revealed differences between study sites. Richness was 35.6±9.5 species/100 m2 and differed significantly between study sites. The characteristic species were Aphanante monoica, Brosimum alicastrum and Resinanthus aromaticus in the upper canopy; Mosannona depressa, Coccoloba barbadensis and Malpighia glabra in the mid canopy; Comocladia engleriana, Hyperbaena jalcomulcensis, Yucca guatemalensis, Acalypha villosa and Psychotria erythrocarpa in the understory; Anthurium schlechtendalii, Dorstenia contrajerva and Lasiacis sloanei in the herbaceous layer and Petrea volubilis and Hippocratea celastroides as climbers. The high proportion of tree species and the low number of species of Asteraceae and Poaceae indicate that this vegetation is a well-preserved primary forest. Establishing conservation strategies in order to preserve this unique forest, rich in endemic species is urgent.

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