
The Lake d'Otri is a small, temporary pond located in a doline at 794 m above sea level on the karst plateau of Gargano (SE Italy). The flora of this habitat consists of 27 plant taxa, of which only three are proper hydrophytes. The herbaceous vegetation is represented by the following plant associations: Ranunculo baudotii - Callitrichetum brutiae ass. nova hoc loco, Plantagini majoris - Menthetum pulegii, Caricetum remotae and Lemnetum minoris. Rubus sp. scrub and a Populus nigra grove occur toward the doline margins, where the floods last much less. In summer the lake dries up completely and the coenoses of Ranunculo baudotii - Callitrichetum brutiae disappear. Seven vegetation units are represented at large scale on a phytosociological map.

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