
Floquet multipliers (characteristic multipliers) play significant role in the stability of the periodic equations. Based on the iterative method, we provide a unified algorithm to compute the Floquet multipliers (characteristic multipliers) and determine the stability of the periodic linear differential equations on time scales unifying discrete, continuous, and hybrid dynamics. Our approach is based on calculating the value of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ (see Theorem 3.1), which are the sum and product of all Floquet multipliers (characteristic multipliers) of the system, respectively. We obtain an explicit expression of $\mathcal{A}$ (see Theorem 4.1) by the method of variation and approximation theory (iterative method), and an explicit expression of $\mathcal{B}$ by Liouville's formula. Furthermore, a computer program is designed to realize our algorithm. Specifically, you can determine the stability of a second order periodic linear system, whether they are discrete, continuous or hybrid, as long as you enter the program codes associated with the parameters of the equation. In fact, few literatures have dealt with the algorithm to compute the Floquet multipliers, not mention to design the program for its computer realization. Our algorithm gives the explicit expressions of all Floquet multipliers and our computer program is based on the approximations of these explicit expressions. In particular, on an arbitrary discrete periodic time scale, we can do a finite number of calculations to get the explicit value of Floquet multipliers (see Theorem 4.2). Therefore, for any discrete periodic system, we can accurately determine the stability of the system by our algorithm even without computer! Finally, in Section 6, several examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithm.

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