
In this work, we study non-equilibrium dynamics in Floquet conformal field theories (CFTs) in 1+1D, in which the driving Hamiltonian involves the energy-momentum density spatially modulated by an arbitrary smooth function. This generalizes earlier work which was restricted to the sine-square deformed type of Floquet Hamiltonians, operating within a \mathfrak{sl}_2𝔰𝔩2 sub-algebra. Here we show remarkably that the problem remains soluble in this generalized case which involves the full Virasoro algebra, based on a geometrical approach. It is found that the phase diagram is determined by the stroboscopic trajectories of operator evolution. The presence/absence of spatial fixed points in the operator evolution indicates that the driven CFT is in a heating/non-heating phase, in which the entanglement entropy grows/oscillates in time. Additionally, the heating regime is further subdivided into a multitude of phases, with different entanglement patterns and spatial distribution of energy-momentum density, which are characterized by the number of spatial fixed points. Phase transitions between these different heating phases can be achieved simply by changing the duration of application of the driving Hamiltonian. %In general, there are rich internal structures in the heating phase characterized by different numbers of spatial fixed points, which result in different entanglement patterns and distribution of energy-momentum density in space. %Interestingly, after each driving cycle, these spatial fixed points will shuffle to each other in the array, and come back to the original locations after pp (p\ge 1p≥1) driving cycles. We demonstrate the general features with concrete CFT examples and compare the results to lattice calculations and find remarkable agreement.


  • General features With this concrete example in mind, we summarize the general features for Floquet conformal field theories (CFTs) with generally deformed Hamiltonians: 1. The presence of fixed points determines the heating phase

  • We focus on the spatial energy-entanglement pattern in different heating phases and close this section with a comparison between CFT results and lattice simulation

  • We have studied the non-equilibrium dynamics in Floquet CFTs with generally deformed Hamiltonians

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Non-equilibrium dynamics in time-dependent driven quantum many-body systems has received extensive recent attention. The energy and entanglement are assumed to be carried by fictitious quasi-particles, which see the sine-square function as their velocity profile and move When their stroboscopic motion (i.e. observing their positions at the end of each cycle of driving) has stable fixed points, the quasiparticles will accumulate at those locations, which gives rise to the energy peaks and growing entanglement. This is the geometric interpretation of (1) advertised above phrased in terms of quasi-particle motion.

Operator evolution under deformed Hamiltoninan
Conformal symmetry and the deformed Hamiltonian
Operator evolution on complex plane
Deformation as velocity profile
Operator evolution on cylinder
Entanglement and energy
Floquet CFT with general deformation
Two-step driving protocol
Revisiting the SL2 deformation and fixed points
Heating phase
Phase transition
Discussion and conclusion
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