
We study derived categories of Gorenstein varieties $X$ and $X^+$ connected by a flop. We assume that the flopping contractions $f\colon X\to Y$, $f^+ \colon X^+ \to Y$ have fibers of dimension bounded by one and $Y$ has canonical hypersurface singularities of multiplicity two. We consider the fiber product $W=X\times _YX^+$ with projections $p\colon W\to X$, $p^+\colon W\to X^+$ and prove that the flop functors $F = Rp^+_*Lp^* \colon {\mathcal {D}}^b(X) \to {\mathcal {D}}^b(X^+)$, $F^+= Rp_*L{p^+}^* \colon {\mathcal {D}}^b(X^+) \to {\mathcal {D}}^b(X)$ are equivalences, inverse to those constructed by Van den Bergh. The composite $F^+ \circ F \colon {\mathcal {D}}^b(X) \to {\mathcal {D}}^b(X)$ is a non-trivial auto-equivalence. When variety $Y$ is affine, we present $F^+ \circ F$ as the spherical cotwist of a spherical couple $(\Psi ^*,\Psi )$ which involves a spherical functor $\Psi$ constructed by deriving the inclusion of the null category $\mathscr {A}_f$ of sheaves ${\mathcal {F}} \in \mathop {{\rm Coh}}\nolimits (X)$ with $Rf_*({\mathcal {F}} )=0$ into $\mathop {{\rm Coh}}\nolimits (X)$. We construct a spherical pair (${\mathcal {D}}^b(X)$, ${\mathcal {D}}^b(X^+)$) in the quotient ${\mathcal {D}}^b(W) /{\mathcal {K}}^b$, where ${\mathcal {K}}^b$ is the common kernel of the derived push-forwards for the projections to $X$ and $X^+$, thus implementing in geometric terms a schober for the flop. A technical innovation of the paper is the $L^1f^*f_*$ vanishing for Van den Bergh's projective generator. We construct a projective generator in the null category and prove that its endomorphism algebra is the contraction algebra.

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