
Spin qubits based on silicon metal-oxide semiconductor (Si-MOS) quantum dots (QDs) are promising platforms for large-scale quantum computers. To control spin qubits in QDs, electric dipole spin resonance (EDSR) has been most commonly used in recent years. By delocalizing an electron across a double quantum dots charge state, “flopping-mode” EDSR has been realized in Si/SiGe QDs. Here, we demonstrate a flopping-mode spin qubit in a Si-MOS QD via Elzerman single-shot readout. When changing the detuning with a fixed drive power, we achieve s-shape spin resonance frequencies, an order of magnitude improvement in the spin Rabi frequencies, and virtually constant spin dephasing times. Our results offer a route to large-scale spin qubit systems with higher control fidelity in Si-MOS QDs.

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