
We study the geometric engineering of gauge theories with gauge group Spin(4) and SO(4) using crepant resolutions of Weierstrass models. The corresponding elliptic fibrations realize a collision of singularities corresponding to two fibers with dual graph the affine $A_1$ Dynkin diagram. There are eight different ways to engineer such collisions using decorated Kodaira fibers. The Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic fibration is required to be trivial for Spin(4) and Z/2Z for SO(4). Each of these models have two possible crepant resolutions connected by a flop. We also compute a generating function for the Euler characteristic of such elliptic fibrations over a base of arbitrary dimensions. In the case of a threefold, we also compute the triple intersection numbers of the fibral divisors. In the case of Calabi-Yau threefolds, we also compute their Hodge numbers, and check the cancellations of anomalies in a six-dimensional supergravity theory.

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