
世界上,洪水可能是造成损失最大的自然灾害.世界上没有哪个地区不受到洪水的威助、由于洪灾风险是灾害事件、洪泛区财产遭遇风险的程度,以及它们的脆弱性的函数,所以灾害损失的增长与上述各个方面的变化都有关.防洪措施可以减少灾害事件的频率,恰当的预防措施也能显著降低财产风险.然而除了公共措施和私人措施外,在减少私人、企业、甚至整个社会的风险方面,保险发挥着关键作用.近年来,对洪水保险的需求日益增长,促使保险公司必须采取适当的解决方案.与此同时,至关重要的是,保险公司应当清楚在极端情况下他们自己可能承担的最大损失.;Worldwide, flooding is probably the number one cause of losses from natural events. No region in the world is safe from being flooded. As the flood risk is a function of the flood hazard, the exposed values and their vulnerability, the increase in flood losses must be attributed to changes in each of these aspects. While flood protection measures may reduce the frequency of inundation losses, appropriate preparedness measures lessen the residual financial risk considerably. Besides public and private measures, insurance is a key factor in reducing the risk for individuals, enterprises and even whole societies. In recent years, the demand for flood insurance has been growing. This is forcing the insurance industry to develop appropriate solutions. At the same time it is vital for the insurers to know the probable maximum losses they might face as the result of an extreme event.

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