
Abstract: Due to climate change and uncontrolledurbanization, frequencies of floods are increasing these years.In a developing country like India, flood creates a great havocwhich takes many years to get restored. To mitigate the affectof flood disaster, an accurate flood inundation warning isrequired.In this system, a geographic information system (GIS) modelis developed on the basis of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) andthe shapefile of buildings. They accurately analyze the landbehavior in presence of flood and identify the flood inundationrisk of different places. This would be helpful to take activemeasures to mitigate the destruction caused by flood, in timebeing. Global Precipitation Measurement’s (GPM) half-hourlyrain data is used to find the impact of rain on current floodconditions in various areas; this helps to warn the people livingin nearby places, as they also may have threat of life andproperty.This system also contains the flood relief system which is aweb-based system (developed using PHP) having webapplication and MySQL database, to create a platform thatprovides a foundation that prepares the donors to help thevictims of flood with various kinds of donations. This systeminforms the donors by sending an SMS using a GSM module.This is done to prepare the donors with their donations,immediately after the flood warning is released. Thesedonations would equip the authorities to provide essentialneeds of the flood victims. This system is developed forMumbai city, India’s largest city as it is a city affected by floodalmost every year causing great destruction of property andlife. Index Terms: GIS, remote sensing, DEM, Ardunio, MySQL, php, GSM

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