
Flooding is one of the manifestations of the harmful effects of water, which is strongly manifested around the world. Its manifestations are recorded in Ukraine, mainly in the western regions. In the central, eastern and southern regions, periodic flooding is observed in the basins of large rivers (Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, etc.). With the beginning of the XXI century local periodic flooding is increasingly recorded in other areas. And if in the western regions we know almost everything about the causes and risks of flooding, in other areas there is almost no research and knowledge. Recognizing the significant economic and social damage from flooding at the state level, the Ministry of the Interior issued an order approving the "Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Methodology" designed to carry out a preliminary flood risk assessment to identify areas with potentially significant flood risks in all areas river basins of Ukraine, and other possible sources of flooding, to minimize the negative consequences associated with flooding, which have an impact on human health, environment, economy, cultural heritage, etc. To do this, it was necessary to create a risk passport within each settlement (SM), but in most of them they are missing. The aim of the work is to show an effective approach to solve the problem of preventing such a negative phenomenon as flooding in the southern regions on the example of four associations of territorial communities (TC) of Belgorod-Dniester district (formerly Tatarbunary). The subject of the study were the factors of formation of this negative phenomenon within 34 SM. To solve this problem, an approach (algorithm), which consists of three main stages and the application of GIS programs Arc Map method 3D analysis, is proposed. At the same time, one of the main elements of the study was the existing hydraulic structures (HS). Based on the results of work within each state of emergency, the types, location, quantity and technical condition of the HS were determined. Maps of availability and technical condition of the HS, places of possible flooding with the direction of the main water flows are compiled in electronic form. The approach mentioned in this paper allows to minimize, and in some places to remove in the future such a negative phenomenon as flooding within a single state of emergency.

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