
An oriented three-manifold with torus boundary admits either no L-space Dehn filling, a unique L-space filling, or an interval of L-space fillings. In the latter case, which we call “Floer simple,” we construct an invariant which computes the interval of L-space filling slopes from the Turaev torsion and a given slope from the interval's interior. As applications, we give a new proof of the classification of Seifert fibered L-spaces over S2, and prove a special case of a conjecture of Boyer and Clay [6] about L-spaces formed by gluing three-manifolds along a torus.


  • An oriented rational homology 3-sphere Y is called an L-space if the Heegaard Floer homology HF (Y ) satisfies HF (Y, s) Z for each Spinc structure s on Y

  • We find that m + nl ∈ L(Y ) for all n > 0, and that l is a limit point of L(Y ). It follows that Y is Floer simple and D>τ0(Y ) = ∅

  • If Y1 is Floer simple, it follows from Theorem 1.8 that α is NLS detected by Y2 if and only if α is not in the interior of L(Y )

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An oriented rational homology 3-sphere Y is called an L-space if the Heegaard Floer homology HF (Y ) satisfies HF (Y, s) Z for each Spinc structure s on Y. A compact oriented three-manifold Y with torus boundary is Floer simple if it has some Dehn filling Y (α) whose core Kα is a Floer simple knot in Y (α). It follows that if Y is Floer simple, the Floer homology of any Dehn filling of Y can be determined from the Turaev torsion together with a single α ∈ L(Y ). Given τ (Y ) and a Floer simple filling slope α for Y , it is straightforward to determine L(Y ): the torsion determines the set Dτ(Y ), and L(Y ) is the smallest interval with endpoints in ι−1(D>τ0(Y )) which contains α in its interior

Floer homology solid tori
Seifert fibered spaces
Knot Floer homology and the Ozsváth–Szabó mapping cone
Knot Floer homology
The Ozsváth–Szabó mapping cone
Splicing and surgery
Floer simple manifolds
Surgery on Floer simple knots
Bordered Floer homology of Floer simple manifolds
Intervals of L-space filling slopes
Conventions for slopes and homology
Notation: truncation and remainders
Seifert fibered L-spaces
Conventions and bases
Statement of L-space classification
Gluings along torus boundaries
Equivalent properties for Seifert fibered spaces
Gluing results
Set-up for proof: conventions and simplifying assumptions
Dehn filling a Floer simple manifold
Computation of L-space interval for Y
Determining when gluing hypothesis is met
Comparison of L-space classification with gluing hypothesis
Generalized solid tori and NLS detection
Generalized solid tori
NLS detection
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