
Building on Seidel and Solomon’s fundamental work [Symplectic cohomology and$q$-intersection numbers, Geom. Funct. Anal.22(2012), 443–477], we define the notion of a$\mathfrak{g}$-equivariant Lagrangian brane in an exact symplectic manifold$M$, where$\mathfrak{g}\subset SH^{1}(M)$is a sub-Lie algebra of the symplectic cohomology of$M$. When$M$is a (symplectic) mirror to an (algebraic) homogeneous space$G/P$, homological mirror symmetry predicts that there is an embedding of$\mathfrak{g}$in$SH^{1}(M)$. This allows us to study a mirror theory to classical constructions of Borel, Weil and Bott. We give explicit computations recovering all finite-dimensional irreducible representations of$\mathfrak{sl}_{2}$as representations on the Floer cohomology of an$\mathfrak{sl}_{2}$-equivariant Lagrangian brane and discuss generalizations to arbitrary finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras.

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