
This article discusses whether or to what extent flocculation plays a role in the saline deep-sea environment and whether sediment plumes generated by deep-sea mining activities are affected by the process of flocculation. The results of our laboratory study demonstrate that deep sea mineral clay with a median floc size of 20μm can flocculate quickly within 2.5 min of mixing to form flocs with a median floc size of about 50–150μm and outliers as large as 500μm in size due to the presence of natural organic matter. At high shear (turbulent mixing), a threshold of about 125s−1 was found above which, organic matter can successfully bind to clay. Above 125s−1, the steady-state floc size is also found to increase linearly with shear. In low energetic conditions (when flocs experience mainly differential settling), the median floc sizes are found to be 2 or 3 times larger than at turbulent mixing. As expected, the rate of flocculation is greater at higher clay concentrations. At long mixing times, the median floc size is found to decrease due to the breaking/reconformation of flocs. Experiments performed to study the ageing of flocs at rest demonstrated that a dynamic process was ongoing between the organic matter and the clay. It is hypothesized that the organic matter present has amphiphilic properties. Over time, the organic matter would rearrange itself such as to maximize its contact area with the mineral clay, resulting in two effects, depending on the structure of the flocs. In the case of flocs formed at high shear, it led to a rupture of flocs. A slow agitation of settled flocs, having previously experienced low shear conditions, on the other hand, led to aggregation. Overall, the results found in the present article show that flocculation likely plays a significant role in deep-sea areas.

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