The present study investigated the treatment of simulated industrial wastewater containing dye using a floating treatment wetland (FTW). This study used FTWs, vegetated with Potamogeton pusillus to remove crystal violet dye from synthetic industrial wastewater. The FTW pilot plant consists of three glass tanks (30*30*60) cm; each tank contains the Potamogeton pusillus plant with the same characteristics. The outcomes revealed that the maximum uptake of crystal violet dye was at a retention time of 72 hours, with a removal efficiency of 95.12 % at a pH of 5 and an initial dye concentration of 5mg/L. The minimum removal efficacy (68.42 %) of crystal violet dye was investigated at a pH of 9, initial dye concentration of 12mg/L, and retention time of 24 hr. The FTWs application successfully is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly approach for removing crystal violet dye from simulated industrial wastewater.
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