
Recommendations for air travel after stapes surgery, specifically stapes surgery, vary, with no standard recommendation to guide patients and surgeons. According to our search, no previous article has explored the physics of middle ear changes during flight and its effects on poststapedectomy patients in a systematic way. The aim of this study is to bring together 2 arms of expertise, otology, and aviation, to produce an evidence-based recommendation for flight after stapes surgery. The database MEDLINE was searched during August 2022. The search strategy had the goal of identifying studies that discovered the effects of flying on stapes surgery patients and the effects of atmospheric pressure on middle ear structures. The articles yielded from the search strategy were transferred to the online citation manager Rayyan. Included in the review were those studies reporting patient outcomes after flying following ear surgery; additional studies included those reporting pressure changes in the middle ear and ossicular chain displacement whether in experimental or animal conditions. Modern-day commercial air travel is safe for patients who have undergone stapedotomy surgery, even very shortly after hospital discharge if they have to. If stapedotomy patients wish to fly after hospital discharge, otologists are to reassure them that it is safe to do so. Patients are to be reminded to perform a gentle Valsava maneuver about every 4 minutes during airplane descent.

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