
Abstract Presented here is a new method for deriving flexural wave solutions for the Timoshenko bending theory. The method is based on a breakdown of the total deflection into its bending and shear components. Instead of treating the full Timoshenko equation (1) an equivalent set of coupled equations, representing the rotational and translatory motions of the beam element, is solved. The advantages of this method stem from (a) the simplicity of the associated expressions for the moment and shear force, which are the elementary bending theory relations, and (b) the well-defined nature of the related boundary conditions. The latter is particularly important since it is difficult to define the proper boundary conditions associated with the full Timoshenko equation. This is evidenced in the works of Uflyand (2) and Dengler and Goland (3), both of which are concerned with wave solutions for the infinite beam under the action of a concentrated transverse load. The quoted work (3) points out the erroneous boundary conditions used in the Uflyand work (2). The present method is applied to the same case treated in the works (2, 3). Agreement is shown with the Dengler and Goland solution. The Uflyand solution is shown to have meaning when interpreted properly. The derivation of transforms for other beam cases, both finite and infinite, by the present method has also been included in this work.

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