
Objective To evaluate the flexible spectral imaging color enhancement (FICE) system in the diagnosis of early esophageal carcinoma and precancerous lesions. Methods A total of 257 patients with suspicious esophageal lesions were examined successively by FICE, magnifying FICE, iodine dyeing en- doscopy and magnifying iodine dyeing endoscopy. Findings were compared with the pathologic diagnosis. Re- suits The positive rates of early esophageal carcinoma by FICE (92. 6%, 25/27) and iodine dyeing endos- copy (88. 9%, 24/27) were not significantly different (P =0. 642), nor were those of magnifying FICE (96. 3 %, 26/27 ) and magnifying iodine dyeing endoscopy (92. 6%, 25/27 ), ( P = 0. 556). The magnif- ying FICE could reveal the IPCL of early esophageal carcinoma clearly. Early esophageal carcinoma and ad- vanced neoplasia were mainly type Ⅳ + Ⅴ, low-level neoplasia and esophagitis were type Ⅱ + Ⅲ, and nor- mal esophagus was type I. However, the magnifying iodine dyeing endoscopy was not able to reveal IPCL. There was no adverse reaction in FICE, but the adverse reaction rate was 12. 8% (33/257) in iodine dyeing endoscopy. Conclusion Magnifying FICE can accurately determine the pathological types of early esopha- geal carcinoma, which is an effective complement to iodine dyeing endoscopy. Key words: Early esophageal carcinoma; Fuji intelligent chromo endoscopy; Intraepithelial pa- pillary capillary loop

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