
This paper proposes a flexible service provisioning method based on context constraint for enhancing user experience in service oriented mobile cloud. The proposed optimization problem is decomposed into two sub-problems, in which the parameters of the mobile applications and datacenter suppliers are interplayed by optimal price variables. The flexible service provisioning model uses context awareness to solve diverse and mobile parameters of mobile cloud, which affects the user׳s satisfaction. The mobile cloud system contexts encompass the mobile application׳s preferences, the mobile device׳s profile and the information about mobile cloud system environment. The proposed method makes use of current contexts of mobile cloud to ensure all mobile applications achieve the goal with desired QoS level. The flexible context constraint based service provisioning algorithm (FCCSP) is conducted between mobile application and cloud datacenter supplier. The proposed FCCSP algorithm considers the mobile user application’s needs and mobile cloud contexts. The experiments conducted aim to evaluate and analyze the comparison of proposed FCCSP with other two algorithms.

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