
Contactless waveguide flange is a novel structure to prevent leakage of electromagnetic wave when it propagates across the waveguide flange. The main advantage of contactless waveguide flange is electrical contact of the connected waveguides is not required as long as the gap between the adjacent flanges does not exceed the maximum permitted distance. Therefore, relative motivation or rotation of the contactless connected waveguides is possible. The contactless waveguide flanges have been reported are all planar. A cylindrical contactless flange is first proposed. Then, a novel flexible rectangular waveguide is proposed based on it. A Ka-band prototype is successfully designed and manufactured. The prototype consists of two bendable contactless flange joints. The maximum bending angle of each joint is limited to ±8° to maintain the return loss performance. The number of joints can be easily increased if larger bending angles are needed. The insertion loss and return loss at different bending angles are measured. The measured insertion loss is better than 0.7 dB from 26 to 37 GHz, and is better than 1.8 dB from 37 to 40 GHz. The measured return loss is 15 dB except frequencies around 37.5 and 40 GHz.

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