
Antonio Rosado*, Rita A. Ribeiro**, Slawomir Zadrozny***, Janusz Kacprzyk*** *Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8000 Faro, Portugal, arosado@ualg.pt **UNINOVA, Campus of New University of Lisbon, Caparica 2929-516 Portu-gal, rar@uninova.pt ***Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-447 Waszawa, Poland, {kacprzyk,zadrozny}@ibspan.waw.pl Abstract We present an overview of the most important proposals for human-oriented query languages for relational databases, based on fuzzy sets theory. To highlight important issues concerning communication with databases, we propose two tax-onomies: the first taxonomy deals with flexible query languages in crisp relational databases and the second deals with flexible query languages in fuzzy relational databases. They can help database designers and users understand and select the best approaches to solve their problems. Key Words: fuzzy querying, flexible querying, relational database management systems, imprecise information, fuzzy logic.

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