
The approach most widely used for the modelling of flexible bodies in multibody systems has been called the floating frame of reference formulation. In this methodology the flexible body motion is subdivided into a reference motion and deformation. The displacement field due to deformation is approximated by the Ritz method as a product of known shape functions and unknown coordinates depending on time only. The shape functions may be obtained using finite-element-models of flexible bodies in multibody systems, resulting in a detailed system representation and a high number of system equations. The number of system equations of such a nodal approach can be reduced considerably using a modal representation of deformation. This modal approach, however, leads to the fundamental problem of selecting the shape functions. The floating frame of reference formulation is reviewed here using a generic flexible body model, from which the various body models used in multibody simulations may be derived by formulation of specific constraint equations. Special attention is given in this investigation to the following subjects: • The separation of flexible body motion into a reference motion and deformation requires the definition of a body reference frame, which in turn affects the choice of shape functions. Some alternatives will be outlined together with their advantages and disadvantages. • Assuming the body deformation to be small, the system equations can be linearized. This may require considering geometric stiffening terms. The problem of how to compute these terms has been solved in literature on the instability of structures under critical loads. For finite element models the geometric stiffening terms are obtained from the tangential stiffness matrix. • The generality of the flexible body model allows the definition of an object oriented data base to describe the system bodies. Such a data base includes a general interface between multibody- and finite-element-codes. • By combining eigenfunctions and static deformation modes to represent body deformation one obtains a set of so-called quasi-comparison functions. When selected properly these functions can be shown to improve the representation of stresses significantly.

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