
De Finetti theorems show how sufficiently exchangeable states are well-approximated by convex combinations of independent identically distributed states. Recently, it was shown that in many quantum information applications, a more relaxed de Finetti reduction (i.e., only a matrix inequality between the symmetric state and one of the de Finetti forms) is enough and that it leads to more concise and elegant arguments. Here we show several uses and general flexible applicability of a constrained de Finetti reduction in quantum information theory, which was recently discovered by Duan, Severini, and Winter. In particular, we show that the technique can accommodate other symmetries commuting with the permutation action and permutation-invariant linear constraints. We then demonstrate that, in some cases, it is also fruitful with convex constraints, in particular separability in a bipartite setting. This is a constraint particularly interesting in the context of the complexity class QMA(2) of interactive quantum Merlin-Arthur games with unentangled provers, and our results relate to the soundness gap amplification of QMA(2) protocols by parallel repetition. It is also relevant for the regularization of certain entropic channel parameters. As an aside, we present an alternative way of attacking this problem, relying on an entanglement measure theory rather than the de Finetti approach. Finally, we explore an extension to infinite-dimensional systems, which usually pose inherent problems to de Finetti techniques in the quantum case.

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