
Fleas, mainly Ctenocephalides felis on both cats and dogs, are a very basic but continuing and common issue in veterinary practice. Fleas are important for their direct effects on infested pets, particularly when animals develop flea allergic dermatitis, and for their transmission of pathogens that can cause serious disease in cats and/or in humans – such as Bartonella spp. Fleas also bite humans, and negatively affect the pet-human bond. This roundtable discussed flea biology, flea-borne diseases, efficacy of control measures available, and improving compliance and client engagement. Effective control of fleas requires an understanding of their biology, as this affects what strategies will and will not be effective: for example leaving a house empty will not control a flea infestation as the pupae can stay dormant for months. There is now a wide range of products that can be used to control fleas both on the pet and in the environment, including not only sprays but spot-on formulations, collars, oral tablets and injections. Used correctly, these are generally both safe and highly effective, with no signs of resistance developing, thankfully. However, owners often do not use products correctly, whether through inability to do so; lack of understanding of why correct use is important; or simple forgetfulness. A range of measures must be used to engage with clients, educate them and help them to remember to treat their pets against these pernicious parasites

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