
The odour-active compounds of three Tacsonia fruits (Passiflora sp.) species: P. tarminiana, P. mixta and P. tripartita var mollissima, were isolated by headspace solid-phase microextraction and identified by gas chromatography–olfactometry and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses in comparison with standards. Physicochemical and sensory properties were different in the threes species. P. mixta exhibited an intense green, herbal, and seed-like odour; P. tarminiana was characterised by the presence of sweet, acidic, fruity, and floral odour notes, while P. tripartita had a soft sweet, fruity, and aqueous odour. Aliphatic esters and alcohols, and terpenic compounds were predominant in all of these species; being hexyl acetate, hexyl hexanoate, and hexyl butanoate major constituents in all of them. Multivariate analysis of the relevant odorants showed a strong correlation between aroma compounds and classification of Tacsonia species, showing a close correlation among P. mixta and P. tripartita var. mollissima aroma composition. The present methodology is adaptable for the comparative study of Tacsonia subgenus commercial samples, to discriminate if they are pure or hybrids and for their aroma quality evaluation.

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