
Weak scale supersymmetry provides elegant solutions to many of the problems of the standard model, but it also generically gives rise to excessive flavor and CP violation. We show that if the mechanism that suppresses the Yukawa couplings also suppresses flavor changing interactions in the supersymmetry breaking parameters, essentially all the low energy flavor and CP constraints can be satisfied. The standard assumption of flavor universality in the supersymmetry breaking sector is not necessary. We study signatures of this framework at the LHC. The mass splitting among different generations of squarks and sleptons can be much larger than in conventional scenarios, and even the mass ordering can be changed. We find that there is a plausible scenario in which the NLSP is a long-lived right-handed selectron or smuon decaying into the LSP gravitino. This leads to the spectacular signature of monochromatic electrons or muons in a stopper detector, providing strong evidence for the framework.

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