
The purpose of research to determine and describe whether the concept of flash card utilization is able to increase students activity students in learning in Geography subject. Though geography is a very important subject, particularly in determining the ample number of fauna found in Indonesia, which is even categorized as an endemic fauna. In addition, the manner in delivering subtopic which is considered monotonous by relying solely on reading books and summarizing what they have read are two things that are not surprising. Hence, those two facts encourage students not perform geography lessons enthusiastically. Considering the problems that occur, therefore I am interested in engaging the learning media "Flash Card" in delivering Subtopic of fauna distributions, especially in Indonesia. In each of these Flash Cards there is information regarding the fauna, starts from the picture, name, location of the distribution area, and animal characteristics. After performing the learning process engaging Flash Cards, students were divided into several groups and present Indonesia map along with regions name in front of the class. Then, the teacher would provide some questions related to the fauna characteristics and the groups were asked to answer questions by mentioning names and showing the origin of the fauna asked in the map. During this learning, students will likely compete againts other groups, but happened to be a pleasant circumstance without pressure. And at the end of the chapter, students will take a written test related to fauna distribution subtopic. The final result after applying the media "Flash Cards" turned out to be succeesful in improving student learning outcomes, especially upon fauna distribution subtopic in Indonesia at class XI IPS 1 SMA XinZhong Surabaya. As many as 28 students out of 36 students who did not accomplishminimum standard of 75 points, after engaging the media "Flash Card" they decreased up to only 3 students who did not meet the minimum criteria. Thereby, this result indicates that "Flash Card" mediautilization helps students to understand properly, embrace the subtopic adequately, and assist students to obtain better grades.
 Keywords: Geography Subject, Flash Card, pretest, posttest
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 Copyright (c) 2019 Geosfera Indonesia Journal and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International License

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