
By using ASCA, Koyama et al. (1994, 1996) carried out a systematic survey of hard X-ray sources in molecular clouds and revealed that protostars are strong hard X-ray emitting sources. Some of them show flare-like activities. Protostellar flares differ from solar flares in their total energy(1035-36 erg), size(several times the radius of protostar), and higher temperature(8keV). Protostellar flares are also observed in lower energy band by ROSAT in YLW15 (Grosso et al. 1997). By extending the model of solar flares associated with footpoint shearing motion, we proposed a model of protostellar flares in which the magnetic field connecting the protostar and the disk disrupt by twist injection from the rotating disk(Hayashi et al. 1996).

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