
Formation of seroma most frequently occurs after mastectomy and axillary surgery. This study is intended at creating data on whether flap fixation has any role in reducing the seroma formation in patients undergoing the modified radical mastectomy. A prospective comparative study was conducted among 61 patients scheduled for modified radical mastectomy from 1st of January 2017 to 31st of December 2017. Patients were divided into two groups. In the flap fixation group (N = 30), the skin flaps were sutured to the pectoral muscle with Vicryl 3-0 sutures, and in the control group (N = 31), the wound was closed in the conventional methods at the edges. Closed suction drain was used in both groups. Flap fixation group showed a significantly lower frequency of seroma formation compared with the control group. In the flap fixation group, the drain was removed earlier compared with the control group. Mean value of the total amount of fluid drained for the study group was significantly lower than that of control. Flap fixation is a surgical technique which appears to reduce the total volume of fluid drained, the development of seroma, and the need for seroma aspirations.

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