
Diepoxybutane, diepoxyoctane, and mechlorethamine are cytotoxic agents that induce interstrand cross-links between the N7 positions of deoxyguanosine residues on opposite strands of the DNA duplex preferentially at 5'-GNC sequences. We have systematically varied the identity of either the base 5' to the cross-linked deoxyguanosine residues or the intervening base pair to determine flanking sequence effects on cross-linking efficiency. We used synthetic DNA oligomers containing four 5'-N(1)GN(2)C sites that varied either N(1) or N(2). Interstrand cross-links were purified through denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and then subjected to piperidine cleavage. The amount of cleavage at each deoxyguanosine residue, representative of cross-linking efficiency at that site, was determined by sequencing gel analysis. Our data suggest that cross-linking efficiency varies with the identity of N(1) similarly (purines > pyrimidines) for diepoxybutane, diepoxyoctane, and mechlorethamine but that the effects of N(2) differ for the three compounds.

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