
Context:Test flakiness is a topmost concern in software test automation. While conducting pre-deployment testing, those tests that are flagged as flaky are put aside for being either repaired or discarded. Objective:We hypothesise that some flaky tests could provide useful insights if run in the field, i.e., they could help identify failures that manifest themselves sporadically during In House testing, but are later experienced in operation. Method:We present the first simulation study to investigate the behaviour of flaky tests when moved to the field. The work compares the behaviour of known flaky tests from an open-source library when executed in the development environment vs. when executed in a simulation of the field. Results:Our experimentation over 52 test methods labelled as flaky provides a first confirmation that moving from the development environment to the field, the behaviour of tests changes. In particular, the failure frequency of intermittently failing tests can increase, and we could also identify few cases of field failures that would have been hardly detected during In House testing due to the numerous combinations of inputs and states. In most cases, such flakiness was rooted in the design of the test method itself, however we could also identify an actual bug. Conclusion:The results of our study suggest that the identification of an intermittently failing behaviour could be a valuable hint for a test engineer, and hence flaky tests should not be dismissed right away.

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