
Highly purified flagella of the green alga Tetraselmis striata (Chlorophyta) were extracted by Triton X-114 phase partitioning. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that most proteins were present in the aqueous phase, only two prominent flagellar membrane proteins (fmp) of apparent molecular weight 145 and 57 kDa (fmp145 and fmp57) were enriched in the detergent phase. Fmp145 was purified by gel permeation chromatography. Glycosidase treatment in combination with lectin blot analysis showed that fmp145 is a glycoprotein containing 3-5 N-glycans of the high mannose and/or hybrid type. A polyclonal antibody (anti-fmp136) was raised against the deglycosylated form of fmp145 and used to localize fmp145 by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. Immunogold labeling showed fmp145 to be present between the scale layers and the flagellar membrane. During flagellar regeneration fmp145 is incorporated evenly and rapidly into the newly developing flagella. Anti-fmp136 specifically cross-reacted with flagella of only a subgroup of Tetraselmis strains characterized by a specific flagellar hair type (type II according to Marin et al. 1993) and thus could be a useful immunomarker for the identification of Tetraselmis strains by fluorescence microscopy.

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