
The present paper focuses on some up-to-date questions of the social policy – in this regard: labour law – of the European Union. To be more precise, the current research is based on the key aspects of the harmonization of laws in this field based on Direc- tive (EU) 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions. Directive (EU) 2019/1158 on ensuring work-life balance is also mentioned in the paper. The paper analy- ses the directive from the perspective of harmonization of laws, especially the safeguard- ing of the workers’ fundamental rights. The examination is focused on some of the most recent developments in Hungarian labour law that resulted in significant amendments to the Hungarian Labour Code. The paper takes into consideration the general legisla- tive context of the new directives, the most fundamental prescriptions guaranteeing the workers’ rights and lawful interests and especially the new regulations regarding the burden of proof in related labour law disputes. The Hungarian examples are focused on these areas of harmonization emphasizing the new regulations of the prohibition of the wrongful exercise of rights. The findings of the research are summarised at the end of the study paying attention to the possible outcomes and concerns of the new labour law regulations.

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