
In this paper, we report the analysis of the recording (at room temperature), the fixing (at high temperature) and the developing (at room temperature) procedures of high frequency modulated speckle patterns (speckle holograms) stored in a ferroelectric LiNbO 3:Fe crystal. First, the diffraction efficiency of the photorefractive index gratings just recorded by the interference of a plane wave and a speckle distribution is analyzed. By taking into account this previous analysis, the correlation properties of two identical but displaced recorded modulated speckle distributions are analysed. Different situations are considered. In particular, the combined case (one fixed and one non-fixed modulated speckle distribution) allows to erase the non-fixed pattern by a uniform illumination without altering the fixed pattern and allowing to store a new non-fixed speckle distribution. The implementation of this modality permits to evaluate the changes that a given fixed speckle distribution undergoes with respect to several subsequent speckle patterns.

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