
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce the notion of cyclic R-contraction mapping and then study the existence of fixed points for such mappings in the framework of metric spaces. Examples and application are presented to support the main result. Our result unify, complement, and generalize various comparable results in the existing literature.


  • Introduction and preliminariesLet (X, d) be any metric space, Y a subset of X, and f : X → Y

  • Fixed point theory plays a vital role in the study of existence of solutions of nonlinear problems arising in physical, biological, and social sciences

  • Some fixed point results ensure the existence of a solution but provide no information about the uniqueness and determination of the solution

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Note that

A mapping ζ : [ , ∞) × [ , ∞) → R is called a simulation function if the following conditions hold:. Rodan-Lopez-de-Hierro and Shahzad [ ] considered the following condition: ( ) If {an} and {bn} are sequences in ( , ∞) ∩ A such that limn→∞ bn = and (an, bn) >. A self-map f of X is called an R-contraction if there exists ∈ RA such that ran(d) ⊆ A and (d(fx, fy), d(x, y)) > for all x, y ∈ X with x = y, where RA is the family of all functions : A × A → R satisfying the conditions ( ) and ( ), and ran(d) is the range of the metric d defined by ran(d) = {d(x, y) : x, y ∈ X} ⊆ [ , ∞).

Bi is called a cyclic representation of
Bi by xn f
Define f
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