
In classical Nielsen fixed point theory, the computation of the Nielsen number is very difficult in general and is one of the central issues in the field. W. Franz in [Fr] showed that the fixed point classes of any selfmap f of a lens space have the same fixed point index, in which case, the Nielsen number N(f) is a divisor of the Lefschetz number L(f) and is either zero or equal to the Reidemeister number R(f). In [Ji1], B. Jiang gave conditions on the fundamental group under which all fixed point classes have the same index. IfX is a Jiang space, i.e. π1(X) satisfies the so-called Jiang condition, then for all f :X → X, (i) if L(f) = 0 then N(f) = 0 and (ii) if L(f) = 0 then N(f) = R(f). While the class of Jiang spaces include simply connected spaces, Lie groups, H-spaces, generalized lens spaces, and coset spaces of the form G/G0 where G0 denotes a connected closed subgroup of a compact connected Lie group G, such a space necessarily has abelian fundamental group. If π1(X) is finite, it was shown in [Ji1] that (i) and (ii) hold if π1(X) acts trivially on the rational homology of the universal cover of X. A slight generalization of the Jiang condition was also introduced in [FH1] by E. Fadell and S. Husseini. Another computational technique is that for fiber-preserving maps, relating the Nielsen number of a fiber map with the Nielsen numbers of the induced map on the base and of the restriction map on the fiber (see e.g. Chapter 4 of [Ji2] or [HKW]). In 1984, D. Anosov in [An] showed that for every selfmap f :N → N of a compact nilmanifold N , N(f) = |L(f)|. This result extends the same result for selfmaps of tori by Brooks, Brown, Pak and Taylor (see [BBPT].) By a nilmanifold, we mean a coset space N = G/Γ of a nilpotent Lie group G by a closed subgroup Γ. In [NO], B. Norton-Odenthal strengthened Anosov’s result by showing that N(f) > 0 ⇒ N(f) = R(f), employing techniques of [FH2]. Following the work of A. Mal’cev, we may assume that G is simply-connected and thus

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