
Fixed-energy harmonic functions, Discrete Analysis 2017:18, 21 pp. The classical Dirichlet problem asks for a harmonic function in the interior of a region that takes specified values on the boundary. One can formulate a discrete version of the problem as follows. Let $G$ be a finite graph. Associate with each edge $e$ a positive real number $c_e$ called its conductance, and define a subset $B$ of the vertices, of size at least 2, to be the boundary. Given a function $f$ defined on the vertices, we say that it _harmonic_ if $\sum_{y\sim x}c_{xy}(f(x)-f(y))=0$ for every vertex $x\notin B$, where we have written $\sim$ for the relation is a neighbour of. That is, the value at each non-boundary vertex $x$ an average, weighted by the conductances, of the values at its neighbours. One of the methods of solving the classical Dirichlet problem an energy-minimization argument, and that works for the discrete version as well. First, one defines the energy of $f$ to be $\sum_{x\sim y}c_{xy}(f(x)-f(y))^2$. To understand why this weighting appropriate, one should think of $f$ as a voltage. Then if $c_{xy}$ large, meaning that the resistance of the edge small, there should be a tendency for the values $f(x)$ and $f(y)$ not to be too different, whereas if $c_{xy}$ small and the resistance large, then this tendency should be reduced. An easy variational argument (just differentiate with respect to the value at $x$) shows that if this energy minimized and $x\notin B$, then $f$ indeed harmonic at $x$. This paper turns the usual discrete Dirichlet problem on its head, in the following sense. We can regard the usual problem as providing for us a function that takes as its input a set of conductances and outputs the energies of each of the edges. Here this reversed: one given the edge energies and also directions on the edges (which have to satisfy some simple compatibility conditions), and one finds conductances such that the solution $f$ to the corresponding Dirichlet problem gives rise to those energies and such that if the edge $xy$ directed from $x$ to $y$, then $f(x)>f(y)$. The main theorem of the paper that the solution to this problem unique, from which it follows that the number of solutions if one just wishes to obtain the given energies obtained by enumerating the compatible sets of directions on the edges. These solutions turn out to be the local maxima of the expression $\prod_{x\sim y}|f(x)-f(y)|^{\mathcal E_{xy}}$, where $\mathcal E_{xy}$ the energy associated with the edge $xy$, and if $f$ such a solution, then it satisfies the equation $\sum_{y\sim x}\frac{\mathcal E_{xy}}{f(x)-f(y))}=0$ for every interior vertex $x$. The authors call such functions _enharmonic_. The results of this study have some interesting consequences. For example, as well known, there are close connections between electrical networks and rectangle tilings: one of the applications in this paper that that certain polygons cannot be tiled by rectangles with rational areas. The authors also define an enharmonic conjugate function and obtain results analogous to the Cauchy-Riemann equations and the Riemann mapping theorem for the resulting analytic functions.


  • We study the map from conductances to edge energies for harmonic functions on finite graphs with Dirichlet boundary conditions

  • The classical Dirichlet problem is to find a harmonic function on a domain that takes specified values on the boundary

  • We study the discrete Dirichlet problem on a graph, and in particular we are interested in the connection between the edge conductances and the edge energies of the resulting solution

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The Dirichlet problem

The classical Dirichlet problem is to find a harmonic function on a domain that takes specified values on the boundary. It is the mathematical abstraction of physical equilibrium problems arising in electromagnetism, fluid flow, gravitation, and other areas. We study the discrete Dirichlet problem on a graph, and in particular we are interested in the connection between the edge conductances and the edge energies of the resulting solution. In the classical problem one fixes the conductances, and minimizing the Dirichlet energy gives a unique solution to the Dirichlet problem, namely a harmonic function on the vertices called the voltage.

Main results
The degree of Ψ
Galois action
Discrete analytic functions
Tilings and networks
A small graph
Quadratic number fields
Jacobi polynomials
A medium graph
The Jacobian
Proofs of Theorems 1 and 3
Proof of Theorem 2
Scaling limits
Riemann mapping to a rectangle
Realizing number fields
Other questions
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